Sunday, April 30, 2006

Two HUGE Accomplishments

1. I passed my Math Class! I just got the email from my instructor and I got a B. Phew!

2. Today was the last day of my sugar-free month. I went all month* without any sweets of any sort.

I am quite happy, if I do say so myself.

(*I took the sugar free challenge with 3 fellow coworkers. we were allowed to "reward" ourselves at the 1/2 way mark - so I had cake to celebrate my sisters birthday on the 15th)


At 5/06/2006 07:59:00 AM, Blogger Geo said...

So, how did you feel about the challenge, during the challenge, on day #15, and now after the fact??

Congratulations on your good mark in math!

(And especially hearty congrats about your no-sweeties month.)


At 5/06/2006 11:19:00 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Thanks, Geo. I felt really good the whole month. I was surprised by how simple it seemed to be at times. I came into may with every intention of keeping up the relatively sugar-free lifestyle, but I've already fallen short a couple of times. It's obviously something that one must never let their gaurd down with.

Day #15 was nice, but interestingly enough, day #16 was yucky. bad stomach ache. coincidence? I don't think so.


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