Friday, June 08, 2007

tests, dogs, and rooms

I just spent 12+ hours studying. Yes, I'm about ready to lose it mentally. I have this major problem of procrastination and I had to do some major cramming to study for exam numero uno in my anthropology class. Due to inclement weather and a cancelled family affair I already had the day scheduled off of work - so I spent my day sitting here, on the couch, in the exact same spot, studying away. Occasionally I would smile (or frown) at Lucas as he went into a barking spree at the door. What could he possibly see out there that makes him so upset at times? Hmm. No idea.
(could his barking have anything to do with the fact that I'm sitting here studying and not playing with him? hmmm) I did take a couple of breaks to try and do some bark training.

me (knocking on something wooden): speak
Lucas: blank stare
me: speak
Lucas: oh! bark!
(immediate treat upon barking)
me: speak
Lucas: bark bark bark!
me (mid-bark): enough!
Lucas: huh? I thought you wanted me to bark. You're confusing me, but I guess if I'm getting treats it's worth it.

supposedly teaching barking on command and treating - then teaching the "enough" command is a good way of training your dog to stop barking. It's interesting to me that I have been trying to calm Lucas and his fabulous voice down for quite a while now - and although we have seen slight improvements, there's still a long ways to go. Teaching him silly little tricks like shake and spin and lie down are easy as pie though. (shake is adorable. he's got it down pretty good after only 2 days of minimal training)

A couple of weeks ago I let Lucas start sleeping on the floor of my room with me. He doesn't like it on my bed because it's not comfortable with me moving around so much. I can't even tell you how much I love waking up in the morning to see him curled up in a ball on the floor. I love my dog. My room may be a mess, but at least he can brighten the place up.

Speaking of rooms, the hunt for a new living situation has been horrifically trying on my soul. Nothing seems to be working out. I have had several options that on the outside seem perfect but in the long run they either don't work out (somebody snatches them up moments before I get there) or I just don't feel right about them. I feel as though the Lord is really testing my patience since I believe myself to be a patient person. He's showing me just how impatient I can be at times. I really just have to let Him help me rather than thinking I can find the place on my own. So, it's in His hands.

Today as I was studying, my screen saver came on and started flashing all of the pictures on my computer on my screen. I stopped and watched it for a while, marveling in all of the fun things that I have done in the past year. Really, it's been amazing. I've had some incredible experiences. I met Taylor Hicks, I went to Hawaii, I snorkeled for the first time, I visited my sister in Virginia, I slept in an airport, I moved, I dressed up in an amazing halloween costume, I met an amazing friend and roommate who will be an important part of the rest of my life, I saw Immi perform twice in one year, I became converted to dogs and got one of my own, I went to coachella and saw bjork perform, I held hands with a boy for the first time, I had my first kiss, I went to Denver and saw bjork perform again, I had my first break up (and it was fantastically mutual), I saw the ocean three times in the same year - each time from a different place . . . and the list goes on and on. I'm ashamed to say that when people ask me what's new in my life I just say "nothing much". I've been Ms. Adventure for the past year. It's time to start telling the truth and stop fooling myself into thinking that my life is boring. Life is fabulous, I'm done with my homework for the night, tomorrow should be a beautiful day, and now I can go and rest my eyes.

g'night beautiful world.


At 6/13/2007 07:42:00 PM, Blogger dalene said...

So cool! My favorite?

"I saw the ocean three times in the same year - each time from a different place" Awesome!

At 6/26/2007 10:09:00 AM, Blogger Geo said...

What a year, Lovely! Wow, it reads like the fast lane. It's good to peruse your list of grand pleasures. YOu certianly deserve them all.

BTW, I love my shirt. You are swell.

At 6/26/2007 10:10:00 AM, Blogger Geo said...

You are swell and I can't spell.

(I probably could for treats.)

At 6/26/2007 10:21:00 AM, Blogger Emily said...

thanks so much for the comments, guys. CW, I didn't a notice that you had made a comment in my inbox. Hmmm . . . I'll have to check into that. I love the ocean and before this past year I had only seen it once in my entire life. I missed it terribly and so I guess I made up for that by spending all of my money on trips to far off destinations!

Geo, I'm glad you like your shirt. I hope you get many fabulous comments on it. The name associated with the content was just too good to pass up as a fabulous gift for you.

At 6/29/2007 01:46:00 PM, Blogger Marie said...

You are one busy woman! A very busy woman with a very lovely dog. Sometimes I am still jealous of your freedom, but I wouldn't trade Cam for anything! :)

At 6/29/2007 01:50:00 PM, Blogger Emily said...

haha. thanks weez. last night I was at a singles activity and I heard somebody behind me say "sometimes married people forget what it's like to be single."
I agree that freedom is fabulous thing, but having an eternal companion sounds better than anything else to me right now. It's interesting how it's always greener on the other side ;)


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