Wednesday, October 26, 2005

walk you to the car when you're going where you're going

Today is my nephew Jacob's birthday. He's 4. In my humble opinion, he is the cutest little red headed boy in the world. He was born 10 lbs. 8 oz. with a FULL head of red hair - and it didn't fall out! My siblings and I all crowded around him, so excited to have a little nephew to spoil. He grew fast. His hair grew even faster. When he was about 6 months old I left to serve my mission. He was the one who pulled me through the hard times. I kept his picture with me at all times.

Now he's gotten pretty big. My mom insists that his IQ is higher than the average kid. We always grin and nod. He is sharp though. Likes to use big words like "illustrator" and "supposedly". To wrap it all up, he's just adorable.

I'm grateful for my little ones. They are my why.

The music report for today will be brief. I'm currently listening to the innocence mission. I do believe that their music will always remind me of a wonderful time in my life - a time when things became clear for me. It calms me and helps me put things in perspective. I highly recommend them to anyone out there looking for spiritual rejuvination.

Time to close this out . . . more to come tomorrow. ;)

*title from the song "going away" by the innocence mission


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