Friday, December 30, 2005

so come on

My holiday was tragically marred by a bad case of the cold. I don't feel that I'm one to complain much, but I definitely felt cheated by this turn of events. It was difficult to enjoy the annual festivities while I felt miserable. I was glad that it was Christmas, and I was excited - but I just wasn't myself. Oh well. what can be done about it? nothing really. now that I've complained a bit, I'll move on.

I figure this is going to be my last post of the year. I think that I could very safely say that this year was the year of music for me. not necessarily music exploration or experimentation - but music appreciation. I've said it several times, and I'll say it again, purchasing an iPod was one of the greatest investments that I have ever made. I know it must sound strange. how could an iPod be so valuable? it's a small device . . . not very colorful . . . weighs practically nothing.

I guess the only way to describe its value is with its own catch phrase: thousands of songs in the palm of your hand . . . . or, in my case . . . thousands of emotions in the palm of my hand.

that's my thing. emotion. I have golden threads tied to my music. they don't break . . . at least, not easily. this year, I have really come to appreciate those threads and the songs that they're tied to. by closely tracking and keeping track of the music I've listened to (largely thanks to audioscrobbler) I have been able to keep a mental journal. in February I enjoyed the warmth of a crush . . . and I enjoyed it even more when I listened to "chestnut hill". In July I needed a vacation . . . and when I finally did take that vacation, I thoroughly enjoyed laying on my back, floating in the water, singing "drift on". In September I said goodbye to a friend and let my heart say goodbye by listening to "hide and seek". And now, in December, I have felt the inescapable force of gravity tugging at my sleeves - but I've found courage to stay with the light as I've listened to "gravity". (john can sing and solo like a king. thank you john.)

I don't know what the next year will bring. I can tell you that as of right now, I have listened to at least 2759 songs (at least) on my iPod. I got the iPod in April, so I guess I can't count what I listened to before that. of course, that listening number doesn't include multiple plays of certain songs. who knows what the actual play count is. it will be interesting to see what my stats are next year at this time. interesting indeed.

I'm looking forward to a quiet new years celebration with my family. a game of scrabble will be played with my mom, and I'm sure that there will be some movie watching involved. I've been investing a lot of time into metriod prime on my game cube the past week. I'm glad that CK was finally able to convert me to it. I'm also working on a mix cd for all of my family a friends. a new years gift. I have the tracks all selected - just working on the album art now. it's gonna be good.

life presents new challenges each day. this year I've come to face many of those challenges, look them square in the eye, and send them packing. I give myself a pat on the back for that.

I'm getting a kick out of my headphones picture today. I hope that the lady to the far right in the picture catches your eye. she's the one that caught mine.

until next year.


At 12/31/2005 09:45:00 AM, Blogger Geo said...

Hurray, a post! And a good one too. this is a nice review of your year. I'm sorry you had to suffer through a cootie Christmas--I didn't personally get that awful virus, but all of the family at Tribal Headquarters did, so Rob and I celebrated with the out-of-towners at Becca's family's house. It was weird not to have everyone there, and to feel worried about major contagion when we did get to visit with the other family members for a few minutes. Ah, well, on to 2006. somehow I think this year will be better than the last, for all of us who want it to be so.

Thank you, dear heart, for the beautiful letter and music. You're so right that music enhances and informs this whole experience we're having here. I was so stunned by what you said and shared--stunned nigh unto speechless--and I've nearly re-read the words right off the paper by now. I'm glad our friendship is solid and lasting. Sorry if this is a weird place to say a personal thanks, but I don't mind telling the world that I've got a lovely friend I adore! : )

So, let's go see the Rodney Smith exhibit next week.


At 12/31/2005 09:48:00 AM, Blogger Geo said...

P.S. I did notice the pattern on the bag, and it made me smile. That's the only non-crazy-making way to give knitted gifts for Christmas--with printed stitches!


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