Friday, February 03, 2006

just before I'm over and out

sorry it's been a couple of weeks. time has been going quickly. I still enjoy being a student . . . very much. The homework is starting to get on my nerves, but learning is far better than sitting idle.
Last Thursday I caught a terrible cold. I'm still getting over it. This season just hasn't been good for me. Just when I'm over one thing, another comes along. Oh well. I'm just looking forward to the day when I'll be able to get through the day without coughing.

Despite my illness, I went to a concert this past Wednesday. Duncan Sheik. I've been waiting to see Duncan since I was 17. The first time listened through Duncan's self titled album, I came across the song "home" and put it on repeat for a couple of hours. I just love that song. love, love love it. and duncan closed with it. it was so excellent. he's so nice. such a down to earth guy. The concert setting was very intimate. I was able to talk with him for a minute after the show and get my picture with him. It was a late night, and I'm still paying for it (I'm tired) but it was well worth it.

So, all I've really been listening to the past week or so is Duncan. Before that it was imogen. speaking of imogen, they played imogen at the club before Duncan came on. They just put her album on and let it spin. it was awesome. I felt like I was the only one in the room that was singing along, but I was so happy to hear her being played out in public. she deserves that. she's so good!

I leave you with one little story. Near the end of the show, I had a drunk gentleman come up beside me and say "it doesn't matter who's playing, I just like to party". I could have let his drunken comments throughout the rest of the show get on my nerves, but I decided instead to just laugh. Drunk people. they are funny. I'm just glad that I don't drink.

And that's all she wrote. Have a pleasant evening, y'all.


At 2/06/2006 09:47:00 PM, Blogger Geo said...

I'm glad you don't drink too. But I am wondering about knitting . . . . : )



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