Monday, November 12, 2007

Please silence your cell phones and pagers

I love that screen that comes up right before the previews roll in the theater. A starry (I think) screen comes up with a soothing voice saying something like "our feature presentation is about to start. please silence your cell phones and pagers now."
She says it like 17 times. and there's this harp playing in the background . . . and the sound effect of wind whooshing across the screen. It could put a baby to sleep.

I think that they need to do something like that before class starts - since people are still just too thick to remember to do it for class! Seriously, there's this girl in my 2:00 class who - everyday without fail - her cell phone rings. Now, some cell phone rings are ok in this circumstance. A "classic" ring is usually ok - especially if your volume is turned down. Let that happen once or twice and I'll know that you're not a bad person, you just forgot.

But this girl, what does she have for her ringtone? Oh, could it be one of the most annoying songs ever . . . . "Mmmbop" by Hansen. Remember that song? Got it in your head? Now imagine the chorus ringing out LOUD for all to hear in the middle of a lecture. Yeah - girl - please, save yourself from any further embarrasment and silence your cell phone!

No offense to the good Blonde women of the world, but 3 blonde girls had their cell phones go off today. I was not in the mood . . . I'm just glad I get to go home now :)


At 11/26/2007 06:19:00 PM, Blogger Geo said...

Let's color your hair, so you can disassociate.


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